That's what it translates to right? When someone follows your blog?
I will now take this time to single out a certain Brissa L. Porter.
L for Laura, not Licorice.
Wut wut. Yeah. Yeah. Weeeerd dawg.
Yes, I just made a rap out of that. I wish you could have hear the sick beats I threw down with those lyrics. Wut wut.
Update much?
I scooted my finals all a day forward. Except Biology. That dreadful exam is still on Thursday. Though I wish I would make Thursday disappear this week. FCHD was tonight, and guess what World? I didn't fail. Boom boom pow. My score is a secret, but I'll give you a clue - I was pleasantly satisfied.
Do with that what you will, Sherlock.
Khyrie Tess - the sickest rapper you'll ever meet