Sunday, September 5, 2010

What rhymes with orange?

I haven't done this in a while.

And by this I mean sit and listen to music.
Granted, my music options could stand to be refreshed.
But still, it's a nice change to just sit and enjoy.
If you were to ask me why I'm doing this,'s because I bought an orange chair last night. Not only did I put it together myself, IT DIDN'T FALL APART WHEN I SAT IN IT! Success.

It's a lovely Labor Day weekend.
Last night, I played poker with boyfriend and his friends. They needed a fourth player - enter Khyrie. Five dollar game, no big deal. Little did they know, I learned how to play Texas Hold'em on my phone the night before (thanks boyfriend). Before we started playing, one of the guys said that the ultimate loss would be to me.

Needless to say, I won.
Money in the bank baby.

Perhaps it was the excitement of my lovely purchase, the fact that I won my first poker game(s), or the tummy ache due to the late night Denny's run that followed, I couldn't sleep. Neither could boyfriend (he's something of a night owl). Getting bored of lounging around for an hour, what do we do? We went outside to swing! Boyfriend knows it my favorite thing to do. And what better time than at 3:45 in the morning? Perfect.

It's times like that I just want to seal into a bottle and put on a shelf.
A high shelf that no one can reach but me.
I love that fella.

Khyrie Tess - the champion